The Gods of Heaven, Earth and Hell are the products resulted from Izanagi and Izanami's decision to expand the Heavens when their Children of Earth grew unruly and violent with one another when they revoked Mankind's immortality.

They split the Heavens in two, one half of the skies ruled in light by the goddess Amaterasu of the Sun and Tsukiyumi of the Moon. To guide the souls of the good who perished, Tsukiyumi was given rule over the Realm of Spirits, Yomi. The other have was cast into the darker half of the Heavens, and ruling in darkness was Amatsu Mikaboshi, whose duty was to watch over the corrupt souls who perished. Soku-no-Kumi reflected Izanami's bitterness and hatred, and thus all souls who ventured into the Realm of Hell, all souls therein bitter, hateful, and Sinful when living on Earth.

They split the Eternal Mountain of the Holy Island of Idzumo, Takachihi after a hundred years of destruction and chaos reigned upon Earth, tired of the endless bloodshed and violence for immortality. From the churning depths of Takachihi was born Haniyasu-Hiko, and from the river of Takachihi was born his loving wife Haniyasu-Hime. It was their duty to exact punishment on the earth when necessary and maintain life on Earth. It was the Eternal Couple who gave birth to the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

The Gods of the Three Realms reigned in their respective Realms until Izanami protested against her husband and brother's compassion and generosity toward their irrational children, Humankind. In a last resort to save the Earth from the violent reign of his wife and sister, Izanagi took his Crested Spear and sacrificed most of it, giving much of its power to the five Gods, blessing them each with their respective Go-Shin Tai, or Holy Artifacts. These items of power bestowed unto the five Gods ursurped the power Izanami held over the Heavens and Izanagi cast her from her duty as his wife and Mother of the Earth.

Once Izanagi bestowed the five Go-Shin Tai to their respective Gods, in his last moment he sacrificed himself upon the Crested Spear, sacrificing his own life and power, giving himself up for the sake of Humanity and passing down his rule of God of Earth to his five Children. As he sacrificed himself upon the three blades of his Crested Spear, they each shattered into pieces, and those pieces, blessed with Izanagi's blood, became the nineteen Soldiers of Heaven, Earth and Hell. What became of the other pieces that fell to the Earth have yet to be known or realized. What is known is that of those many, smaller pieces that fell to the Earth some became creatures of myth and legend, supernatural creatures of destruction, prosperity, life and death.

Izanagi's remains fell to the Earth in a bath of shooting stars, and the pieces that touched upon the Earth became places of power, sacred grounds possessed of uncultured and untapped supernatural power. Often drawn to these areas are a variety of supernatural creatures and beings, drawn to these untapped grounds seeking to manipulate and alter their raw state to their own sorts of 'Holy Grounds.'

The five Gods are unable to directly speak with their Soldiers, having been placed under a perminate hex cast upon them and their respective Soldiers by Izanami as she was cast into a deep slumber. Because of this they must sacrifice a part of their power from their Go-Shin Tai and bless a human child before its birth, thus giving their respective Go-Shin Tai's piece of power a human form. Once awakened and aware of their destiny, these Shukuen no Kagi, or Destined Keys, can offer a link between the Gods and their Soldiers.


Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Endless Sun

Perhaps the most beloved of Izanagi's five Holy Children is She of the Endless Sun, Amaterasu. Of the five Gods, she is perhaps the most level-headed and docile of them all; she's not overly compassionate toward Humanity in general, but loves them enough to know when it's best they deserve what they're dealt. Her brother is the God of the Moon and her fellow God in the rule over Heaven, Tsukiyumi, whom she cares dearly for and loves with all her heart. She is loving and cares dearly for all her companions, and possesses a spot in her heart for the God of Hell, her opposite and one she can never love, Amatsu Mikaboshi. A Goddess of decisiveness and judgment, she is the most highly regarded of the five Gods of Heaven, Earth and Hell.

A symbol of 'justice' Amaterasu is often coined as the 'head' of the five Gods and Goddesses in that her seating as Goddess of the Sun is a position of absolute importance, being the embodiment of the Sun, an eternal light from which Humanity receives its life. Hers is a justified duty and a realized position, and in her position she takes a great deal of pride and honor. She believes strongly in the beliefs of her Father Izanagi, and swears her rule as Goddess of the Heavens she'll preserve his Eternal Dream.

Amaterasu was blessed with Star Mirror (Yata-Kagamina), this her own, personal Go-Shin Tai, her proof of reign over the Heavens as the Goddess of the Sun. And upon Izanagi's sacrifice upon his Crested Spear, she was also blessed with her own particular Soldiers: Susanou, Okuni-Nushi and Tatsuta. These are her Soldiers, and they regard her highly as their respective God, more so than her Eternal Sibling Tsukiyumi, although they do respect him as well. These three Soldiers represent that which She of the Endless Sun embodies; loyalty, compassion, honor, strength, good will and vitality.
Amaterasu is represented by the symbol Tenjitsu, the sun. Often her symbol is used in Holy Ground purification rituals as well as rituals of communication along with a representation of her glory, a golden mitama. Amaterasu is often referred to as 'Jikoku', the given name of the Guardian of the Eastern Skies, the direction from which the sun rises into the sky.


Tsukiyumi, the Guardian of Yomi, God of the Endless Moon

Given the duty to reign of the Realm of Spirits, Yomi, and guide the souls of those worthy of eternal bliss and paradise, Tsukiyumi is the other God of Heaven and He of the Endless Moon. He is Amaterasu's brother, and is very loving and protective of his sister, She of the Endless Sun. Tsukiyumi is a charming sort of God, being that he's less stern and strict, and more compassionate and charismatic. Like his sister, he too loves Humanity, and knows when they're deserving of punishment and what they're dealt, but will not tolerate the likes of Izanami. Avid in seeing her destruction, Tsukiyumi wishes for the evil she represents to be subdued and, ultimately, destroyed. He is a God of hope and compassion, and possessed of a caring, peaceful demeanor. However, both he and Amatsu Mikaboshi do not get along, being that, like the Darkness and the Light, they are the opposites of one another in their respective roles as Guardians of the deceased.

As the guardian of the Realm of Spirits, it is Tsukiyumi's task to govern over the souls of the dead, shining spirits called Hotoke. Those souls, the brightest and most purest, often ascend higher than Yomi to hang in the sky as vibrant stars with the Endless Moon. Like his sister and fellow Gods, Tsukiyumi takes pride in his duty as the Guardian of Yomi and the God of the Endless Moon, a sign of peace and tranquility, giving hope to the souls of the dead whose lives were honest, justified and, ultimately, pure and lacking in complete Sin. He too believes strongly in the dreams of Izanagi, and also strives to preserve the dream, fighting for the destruction of Izanami and her Evil.

Tsukiyumi was bestowed with the Jewel of White Purity, his own Go-Shin Tai and proof of reign over the Heavens, Yomi and his role as the God of the Moon. He was blessed with his own Soldiers when Izanagi sacrificed himself upon his Crested Spear: Hiruko, Benten and Kaminari. These are his Soldiers, and they regard him as their respective God, equal to his sister in their respect. His Soldiers represent that which He of the Endless Moon embodies; hope, emotional strength, honor, love, vibrancy and strong will.
Tsukiyumi is represented by the symbol Hyourin, the moon. Often his symbol is used in Holy Ground purification rituals as well as rituals of communication along with a representation of his glory, a silver mitama. He is often referred to as 'Zocho', the given name of the Guardian of the Western Skies, the direction in which the sun sets.


Haniyasu-Hiko, the God of Earth

Haniyasu-Hiko is the male God of the Realm of Earth and the Bridge, and He of the Trembling Earth. Unlike his significant other, he is less compassionate toward Humankind and often a bit irrational in his thoughts toward him. But, like his fellow gods of Heaven and Earth, he too cares for them, Izanagi's greatest creation. As stated, he is a bit irrational in his ideals, often the sort to jump to conclusions and decide on the most extreme of ideas and choices, and possessed of a fiery temper. Haniyasu-Hiko is the coined often as the God of courage and strength.

Along with his wife Haniyasu-Hime, his rule of power lies over the Earth, a task that, perhaps, is a great one. He takes pride, like all the other Gods, in his reign over the Earth and the Bridge, watching over the Earth and giving it the power it needs to provide for Izanagi's creation, Humankind. It was also he, the God of Earth, who created the seasons of Winter and Summer as a means to prove to mankind that, despite the compassion that the Gods hold dear to them, they are not without their punishment for rebelling against Izanagi and Izanami in the Beginning. Summer is to scorch the Earth and test the limits of Humankind's tolerance, and winter is to freeze the Earth to, also, test the limits of Humankind. He is also the embodiment of the natural elements and the raw, natural state of the Earth itself.

Haniyasu-Hiko was blessed with the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, his proof of reign over the Earth and Holy Bridge, as well as representation of his role as the God of Earth. When Izanagi sacrificed himself upon his Crested Spear, he was blessed with his own Soldiers: Fudo, Kanayama and Toyouke. These are his own particular Soldiers, each of which recognize him as their respective God and, like many Soldiers, see him higher than his companion Haniyasu-Hime, for they feel that her too compassionate nature oftend hinders their God. His Soldiers represent what He of the Trembling Earth embodies: courage, strength, indomitable spirit, honor and strength of the spirit.
Haniyasu-Hiko is represented by the symbol Jishin, the earthquake. Often his symbol is used in Holy Ground purification rituals as well as rituals of communication along with a representation of his glory, an emerald mitama. He is often referred to as 'Tamon', the given name of the Guardian of the Northern Skies, the direction from which the coldest winds blow, and the area that represents the mind and heart of the Earth.


Haniyasu-Hime, the Goddess of Nature

Haniyasu-Hime is the Goddess of the Realm of Earth and the Bridge, and She of the Nurturing Earth. Unlike Haniyasu-Hiko, her significant other, she is compassionate and loving toward Humankind and often feels that sometimes the punishment the endure is unfair. She feels strongly toward nurturing Humankind, and often is the compassion that her significant other lacks, and balances out the Gods of Earth. A thinker, Haniyasu-Hime often considers many possibilities and consequences before deciding on ideas or choices, and she is of a calm, loving nature. Haniyasu-Hime is coined often as the Goddess of love, devotion and spirit.

Along with her husband Haniyasu-Hiko, her rule of power lies over the Earth as well. She too takes pride in her position of power, like her fellow Gods, giving the Earth the power it needs to provide for Humankind. It was she who created the seasons of Spring and Fall as a means to comfort mankind and let them understand that, despite the punishment they endure, there is always hope and comfort; Fall offers a release to the scorching heats of Summer, and Spring offers life and comfort to the freezing cold of Winter, the cycle endless and, like the Gods, eternal. She is the embodiment of nature and the purity of water.

Haniyasu-Hime was blessed with the Kushinada no Tate, her proof of regin over the Earth and the Bridge, as well as a representation of her role as the Goddess of Earth. And as Izanagi sacrificed himself upon his Crested Spear, she was also blessed with her own particular Soldiers: Shinetsu, Inari and Suitengu. These are her respective Soldiers, and to Haniyasu-Hime they regard her as their respective god, more so than Haniyasu-Hiko, although they respect him as well, but not as highly, finding his fiery temper to be a bit of a burden on the Mother of Nature. They represent that which She of the Nurturing Earth embodies: forgiveness, loyalty, hope and strength of the mind as well as spirit.
Haniyasu-Hime is represented by the symbol Kouseki, the crystal. Often her symbol is used in Holy Ground purification rituals as well as rituals of communication along with a representation of her glory, a crystal mitama. She is often referred to as 'Jikoku', the given name of the Guardian of the Southern Skies, the direction from which the warmer winds blow, and the area that represents the womb and soul of the Earth.


Amatsu Mikaboshi, Guardian of Soku-No-Kumi, God of Hell

The solitary God of Hell, Amatsu Mikaboshi is He of Darkness and Sin. He is the Shepard of Tarnished souls, governing over the souls of those whose lives were sinister and unrighteous in the Realm of Hell, Soku-no-Kumi. He was given the greatest and hardest task of all the Gods, and his reign is one fit only for one. He is the god of Sin and Darkness, and because of this he is a cold, bitter sort of God, feared more than respected. His fellow Gods find him a burden, but respect him just as well, since he must rule in seclusion over vile, Sinful souls. He sees Humanity as Izanami did, a Sinful lot of ingrates who aren't deserving of the gift of live they were bestowed with. He's bitter and hateful toward them, but despite this he never acts out on his feelings and anger; rather he's intolerant of Humankind. He is a God of sin and corruption, possessed of a cold, stoic and bitter nature. He and Tsukiyumi, being the opposites they are, do not get along with one another in their respective roles as Guardians of the deceased.

He is the Guardian of the Realm of Hell, governing over the souls of the dead, fiery, Sinful spirits called Shitidama, wandering spirits forced to spend eternity wandering Soku-no-Kumi. Those spirits who were vile and ultimately sinful, however, became soulless, violent creatures who embody that soul's ultimate Sin, Lost Souls. These creatures have been known to break free of the Realm of Hell and surface, wreaking havoc on Earth. But these Lost Souls are not Amatsu Mikaboshi's problem, and often he finds amusement in their escape from his Realm.

Amatsu Mikaboshi was bestowed with the Jewel of Black Impurity, his personal Go-Shin Tai and his proof of reign over Hell, Soku-no-Kumi, and as the God of Darkness and Sin. He was blessed with his own Soldiers when Izanagi sacrificed himself upon his Crested Spear, the seven embodiments of the Sins of Humanity born of the anguish, sadness and hatred of Izanagi. Shinigami, Kompera, Iki-Ryo, Gozu-Tenno, Yasha, Yuki-Onna and Tengu represent each of the seven Sins and are his own, respective Soldiers. As loose and 'free spirited' as these Soldiers can be, they see their God as the most worthy of respect and loyalty, serving him and him alone.
Amatsu Mikaboshi is represented by the symbol Fuzen, the Sin. Often his symbol is used in Holy Ground purification rituals as well as rituals of communication along with a representation of his glory, an onyx mitama. Because of his Darkness, Amatsu Mikaboshi is not referred to as a Guardian, but instead referred to as the August Star, since he was born from the darkness of the Endless Stars.